*Sources: Survey conducted in 2011 by job4U2 and the HR chair of the University of Fribourg & 2015 job4U2 survey of Swiss recruitment agencies
Our mission is to make relocation a project for both.
10 Year’s experience
with a unique focus:
Support dual career partners
in Switzerland.
We help our clients make a great impact
Job4U2 is the leading provider of spousal support in Switzerland since 2010. Our career support programs are “à la carte”. You decide the scope of the support, the budget and the condition of access for your employees’ spouses and partners
Job4U2 helps companies include spousal career support in the communication package targeted to candidates and provides dedicated support to facilitate decision making of the targeted candidates during the recruitment process.
With the job4U2 Dual-Career support programs, we increase the chance of a smooth and fast integration of the expatriate spouses into their new local environment. Centred on their real needs, positively results-focused, job4U2 guides them through the Swiss landscape, maximising their opportunities to make the relocation a fulfilling career step.
Pharma, BioTech, MedTech, Food, Tobacco, Consulting, Education, Technology, Energy, Luxury, FMCG, NGO.
What is Career Coaching?
Career coaching consist in helping individuals identify what they want and need from their career, get prepared and perform the actions required to accomplish their career objectives.
Job4U2 Career Coach competences includes
- In-depth knowledge of relevant coaching tools and models used in coaching.
- Strong business acumen and up to date with Swiss economical/societal changes impacting the workplace.
- Knowledge about the Swiss professional requirements related to many roles and industries, paired with a good understanding of ways organisations function and their challenges in local and international markets.
- Aware of education and training offers and trends in Switzerland.
- Master traditional and alternative approaches to job searching and recruiting in use in Switzerland.
What is
Dual Career?
Dual career refers to dual-earner couples where both partners are pursuing a career: they are committed to work and aspire to progression at work.
For both partners, the professional role contributes significantly to their sense of identity.
The number of dual-career couples is increasing and the trend is worldwide. Recent studies estimate that in many western countries, two thirds of the couples are dual career partnerships; this rate goes up to 80% for scientists.
One of the main challenges for dual career couples is to manage career mobility opportunities, while the challenge for organisations is to recruits talents who are involved in a dual-career partnership. job4U2 has for mission to ease the path for both parties.