Volunteering in Switzerland

In Switzerland, volunteering involve around 25% of the population with an average time involvement of 3 hours per month. The participation to volunteering activities is slightly higher in the German speaking part of Switzerland. Swiss resident’s motivations are first, to make things happen and to help others. Socializing and experience learning are also important motivators when deciding to volunteer.

When relocating from abroad, volunteering can be an accelerator to social integration and a really powerful means to quickly regain one’s identity and purpose after having left professional and social life behind.

Moreover, when looking for a new job, motivation and tenacity play a big role in the chance of success and being involved in a side activity, which like volunteering brings a high satisfaction level, is extremely positive.

Here bellow are listed some organizations located in Switzerland which provide information in English

  • Here we are Switzerland, the Swiss chapter of here we are global. An organisation aiming to connect international professionals moving to Switzerland as accompanying partners, who are seeking opportunities to grow competencies while making the most of their time in Switzerland.
  • Caritas Switzerland gets actively involved where people in wealthy Switzerland are affected by poverty: families, single parents, the unemployed, the working poor
  • The Bergwaldprojekt (Mountain Forest Project) sets a signal against the destruction of the mountain forest, contributes actively to its preservation and arranges for volunteers to be able to experience firsthand this fascinating ecosystem.
  •  Just for Smiles aim is to offer polyhandicapped people access to open-air activities in environments where they can experience new sensations.
  •  Young Enterprise Switzerland is a non-profit organisation which develops and supports practice-oriented business training programs for students, with the aim of interlinking the economy with schools
  •  Terre des hommes Foundation is a significant force among children’s aid organisations in Switzerland and throughout the world. It is the largest non-governmental organisation (NGO) for children’s aid in Switzerland
  •  ICVolunteers (International Communications Volunteers) is an international non-profit organization specialized in the field of communications, in particular languages, communication technologies and conference support.
  • Swiss Solidarity is a foundation that raises funds for humanitarian relief projects and works with the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR and Swiss relief organizations to this end. Work in the field is carried out by experienced Swiss relief organizations according to precise stipulations. Swiss Solidarity is currently working with 25 aid organizations.
  •  Sport – The Bridge is a swiss-based NGO from the capital city of Berne. Established in 2002, the association promotes the personal development of children through the use of sport.
  •  Asha for Education is a non-profit organisation dedicated to socio-economic change in India and aiming to catalyze socio-economic change through education of underprivileged children in India
  •  Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 3 million supporters, members and activists in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights. There are English speaking groups relaying Amnesty International’s campaigns locally in Basel,Geneva,and Zurich.

To obtain more information and know about the local language speaking organizations, you may as well contact:

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Must-know about Switzerland


Sandrine van den Oudenhoven


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