Job coaching to

Find a job

We enable your job search deployment, preparing you for all steps occurring during the recruitment process and provide all the resources required to land a job in Switzerland.

The coaching helps you deploying a comprehensive job search process while ensuring your motivation and energy remain at the highest level.

Your job4U2 Career Coach help you chart your own path through project definition, personal branding, social media strategy, powerful application file, application strategy, hidden market access, fast networking methodologies, and performance during the recruitment process.

Career coaching is also suited to specialist profiles, senior executives, junior professionals, atypical career paths, part time occupation/work-life balance aspirations, returning to work after a career break, portable careers.

The job coaching support is available in Basel, Zurich, Bern, Neuchâtel, Lausanne and Geneva regions.

Career coaching for

A new start

Relocation and its associated changes could be a great opportunity to orient your career in a direction more aligned with your today’s identity and/or with the possibilities and constraints related to the new environment.

In coaching, we work on the areas of interest and motivation, gain clarity about guiding values. We co-create strategies to go around personal and contextual limitations. We identify and prioritise key relevant experiences, resources, skills and talents.
We consider together the range of possibilities and map a bill of demand for your next career step.
We translate the journey findings into a concrete professional project, fine-tune and validate it. Together, we elaborate your action-plan and help you monitor your progress.

Career change support is available in Basel, Zurich, Bern, Neuchâtel, Lausanne and Geneva regions.

Business coaching oriented 


Creating a company is lifetime adventure; we help you approaching it with method, insuring that you build strong enough pillars, capable to support the future company growth. We take you through objective and mission setting, analysing your market, building a business model, defining operational, marketing and financial strategy and plans. We bring our knowledge of the local market to ensure the Business model is viable.

We guide you through the administrative obligations, keeping it as simple as it can and never overwhelming you with quantity of non-relevant  information. We offer counselling so that you can do as much as possible on your own, not creating extra starting costs. We provide connections with people offering cost efficient solutions for small business owners when needed.

Entrepreneurship coaching is available in Basel, Zurich, Bern, Neuchâtel, Lausanne and Geneva regions.